Day 2: Multi-blending realistic animal with a multitude of colors, complete art piece. Multicolored signature.
Material List
Sealable Mixing palette (Michael’s or Hobby Lobby – best to buy the one for watercolors because it seals better so paints don’t dry).
Large water mixing jar or cup
Paper towel role
Liquitex Professional Slow-Dri Medium (can split with a friend and share to reduce costs)
11×14 Canvas or 12×24 (preferably with deep edges)
Acrylic Paints (can split with a friend and share to reduce costs):
SoFlat Florescent Yellow – (Michaels)
SoFlat Florescent red – (Michaels)
SoFlat Florescent Violet – (Michaels)
Golden Florescent Magenta – (Michaels or HL)
Masters Touch Florescent Pink – (Hobby Lobby)
Liquitex Basics Cadmium Red Deep (HL)
Liquitex Basics Pthalo Blue (HL)
Liquitex Basics Pthalo Green (HL)
Liquitex basics Titanium White (HL)
Liquitex Basics Mars Black (HL)
LB Bright Aqua Green – (HL)
SoFlat Flourescent Orange (Michaels)
Artist’s Loft Light Violet or equivalent (Michaels)
Liquitex Basics Turquoise Blue
Masters touch fluorescent pink
Masters Touch Rouge – (hobby Lobby)
Paint Brushes:
Small round brush – soft bristles (whichever one you like- something for small detail)
Large roung brush – soft bristles
Small filbert
Large flat edge brush
Sponge – any type, for texturing background.
Any other brush you favor
Two Photo’s to choose from to base paintings off of: